A Song for Wiltshire

Good news! We are rebooting our Song For Wiltshire project in 2021!

The aim is to get people in throughout the county - especially young people in schools or learning from home - to compose a song or a piece of writing about their community, or piece of heritage that feeds their creativity. It could be a bus stop in Hilperton, a campsite in Steeple Ashton, a picnic bench by the river in Bradford-on-Avon, the White Horse in Westbury, even a beloved teacher or local shopkeeper. Basically, ANYTHING that inspires you about your community. 

In contact with teachers in primary and secondary schools, we aim to generate a minimum of 4 songs from 4 different areas in Wiltshire…enough for an EP but if we’re lucky a full album! As well as compiling new songs from young writers, we also see it as a chance to give everyone the confidence to perform and record their own work. Once the song is written and recorded, we can then make a video, record it 'professionally' (i.e. in a studio) and hopefully arrange a live concert featuring all the writers and performers. 

We are encouraging submissions from people across the county – of all ages but especially young people. These could be in the form of poems that we help add music to…or musical melodies and compositions that we help add lyrics to. Wiltshire Rural Music is blessed to have among its members some truly inspirational and talented musicians, who will be on hand throughout the project to offer workshops and guidance in writing the songs. 

If you would like to hear more about this project and how to get involved, please email creativedirector@wiltshireruralmusic.co.uk


Compose Yourself


Live at The Town Hall