Virtual Tune @ Noon

Frankie Simpkins Tune at Noon

Thanks to the marvels of modern technology and the talent and tenacity of singer Frankie Simpkins and pianist Peter French, April's Tune@Noon was still able to go ahead. Sure, there was none of our famous lemon drizzle cake and (less famous) tea and coffee, but the concert made it possible for people at home in isolation due to the coronavirus outbreak to enjoy a fantastic event from the comfort of their homes.

Originally intended as WRM's first Tune@Noon on the road, this concert was meant to be at the Stage Door Cafe in Trowbridge, bringing WRM more into the local community. We still intend to make this happen when we are able to, but until then here's another chance to enjoy a stunning concert filled with show tunes from musicals such as Cabaret, Les Miserables and Funny Girl.

Huge thanks to Frankie and Peter for devoting so much time to this project. We are extremely grateful to them for throwing themselves into it and helping us to raise money for the charity at this difficult time.

Watch it again in full below.


Keep Music in Mind


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