Relaunching the Orchestra

We are excited for the return of our music groups to the Trowbridge hub. The orchestra is looking for new members and will relaunch on 11th September 2021!

The Wiltshire Rural Music Orchestra is an opportunity to play orchestral music in a relaxed setting. Sessions are once a month and everyone is welcome; abilities range from novice to semi-professional.

We play through pieces from all over the world and throughout history and often revisit pieces at later dates to refine the musical details.

Time : 10.30am – 1.00pm

Cost £10 per person. If you pay the annual WRM membership subscription then you will benefit from a reduced cost of £8 per session.

Contact Alex to secure your place:

Dates for your diary are:

  • 11th September

  • 9th October

  • 13th November

  • 11th December


Grace White and Friends


Devizes Eisteddfod