Music on the Move

Music on the Move is an intergenerational outreach project, set up to encourage rural communities to experience and participate in live music, in the heart of their village. Alongside Wiltshire Mobile Libraries, the project helps isolated people of all ages rediscover music and reconnect them to their local library. Whether in primary schools, residential homes or in the street, villages come together to celebrate music and books together. Key to the project is using local musicians, as well as giving audiences a chance to explore and engage with the instruments themselves, via music and community workshops tailored to their location.

“It is good for the community because it teaches appreciation for music, introduces different instruments to children and makes music events accessible to rural communities. Very enjoyable!” (Carly, Year 1 teacher, Old Sarum Primary School)

“Such a wonderful surprise!” (Teaching assistant, Old Sarum Primary School)

“What a super idea – weather permitting! - It gathers people together, extending joy of quality music” (Lower Woodford library attendee)

“Diverse music, the likes of which we never get in this area. What a fantastic workshop too…my kids absolutely loved it” (Mother of three, Shrewton)

“Under the difficulties imposed by financial restraints the mobile library provides a wonderful service. Anything that brings people together socially is a good thing…and this is right next to my house!” (Tony, Lower Woodford)

“Music is a great communicating tool and brings together all ages. We all enjoy it at different levels. Loved it!” (Dotty, Lower Woodford) “Great fun, the service is excellent and this is uplifting and joyful!” (Mrs Adams, Shrewton)

“Great fun” (Haley, Shrewton library attendee)

“Lovely for children. Thank you for coming to see us!” (Janie, Bybrook Primary School)

“Good to hear unusual instruments, fun interaction, great to try making music with grass reeds and get everyone dancing” (Karen Carey, Colerne)

“The younger children particularly enjoy music and they will share this with their families. Impressed by the charismatic musicians and talent” (Colerne Primary)

“Gets people interested in books and music. Community engagement is good for everyone” (Nettleton, first time attendee to mobile library)

“A big surprise on our walk. Definitely good for the community” (Nettleton, passer-by)

“It was brilliant and everyone was very friendly. It was lovely to see young and old all enjoying and joining in with this music event” (Yatton Keynell teacher)

“It gives interest and more importantly gives joy. More please!” (Colerne attendee)

“Great to hear music, lovely for children” (Colerne attendee)

“Provides good opportunities to access music that we may not otherwise get to. We are very lucky to have these resources available to us” (Shrewton attendee)

“It gives people the opportunity to experience sounds / instruments they might not otherwise have encountered and encourages interactions amongst children. Thank you!” (Bybrook Pre-School, Yatton Keynell)

“Bringing together locals and exposure to different styles of music. There were smiles on all the faces” (Local resident and parent in Colerne)

“Brings culture to the common man” (Lower Woodford)

“Encourages increased use of public amenities, and an opportunity for locals to meet up” (Stratford- sub-Castle)

“Brings people together and makes you stay after borrowing books. My first visit to the library…very friendly” (Stratford-sub-Castle)

“Good music is good for the community. More of it please!” (Shrewton attendee)

READ THE ARTICLE on the Arts in Wiltshire blog.

Click through the images below.


Unsung: A Song for Wiltshire 2021


Keep Music in Mind