Mini Musicians now online!

Great news! - Mini Musicians is going online - sessions available from 28th September

Mini Musicians offers relaxed, friendly and engaging classes for children from birth to school age and their families to enjoy making music together. Using a combination of singing, movement and percussion, classes aim to instil a love of music from an early age as well as helping to develop children's wider learning and well-being.

For just £5 per week per household (term time only) you will get access to the following:

• A new pre-recorded session every week to enjoy at your leisure and as often as you like

• The option to book on to one live Zoom session every week (currently Mon at 10:30, Weds at 10:00 or Weds at 11:00)

To join simply e-mail for more information.

Initial subscription fee will be £20 covering 28th Sept to 31st Oct with no obligation to resubscribe after half term.


David and Claire Keeping Music in Mind


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