Dial M for Music


A TROWBRIDGE charity is bringing live music into the homes of elderly and isolated people across the county with their new project, Dial M for Music.

Wiltshire Rural Music has made phone calls and provided personalised music throughout the lockdown to spread joy throughout Wiltshire.

With the help of Alzheimer’s Support, Wiltshire Rural Music was able to connect with the people who needed this service the most.

Creative director of Wiltshire Rural Music, Gavin Osborn said: “Making a call to someone lonely or isolated is an act of kindness, it is so easy to do, and people of all ages can benefit from it.

“At Wiltshire Rural Music we want to connect with as many people as possible, especially those who love music.

“Having made a few of these calls already, it is magical to bring a little joy into their day with live music and warm conversation.

Grant Newton, head of day care services, Mill Street Club: “Keeping people connected and feeling valued in whatever restricted form we can is essential to the wellbeing and support of people with dementia, their partners and families.

“Disruption to routine, social isolation and separation from family is significantly affecting most of those we support.”

“The technology is simple, instantly available and it is like being sung and played to by a good friend. The responses so far have been fantastic and we are so grateful to Wiltshire Rural Music for offering this to us.”

Gavin Osborn added: “In a time when people who already feel isolated find themselves unable to see family and friends, sometimes a simple phone call can make the difference between a good day and a bad one.”

If you know someone that would appreciate a musical phone call, or if you would like to donate to this project, email info@wiltshireruralmusic.co.uk


Live on BBC Wiltshire


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